Transitioning to a New Era in Compilation Technology: Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler

Varsha Madananth, Intel
Intel webinars

Transitioning to a New Era in Compilation Technology: Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler

The Intel® C++ Compiler has been a leading developer go-to for CPUs since 2003. But what about other architecture targets such as GPUs, FPGAs, and others? Join this session to learn about the next generation of this program—the path forward for cross-architecture, standards-driven compilers.

Compilers are the keystone of any software development flow. They transform and optimize your code, targeting it to the architecture of your choice—CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, and other accelerators.

When it comes to C/C++ (still at the top of the list for most-used programming language), the Intel® C/C++ compiler has been an industry leader for nearly two decades—it launched in 2003.

It has evolved.

Introducing the Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler, a standards-based, cross-architecture code translator built on the power of the LLVM community’s efforts in combination with Intel’s expertise.

Join Intel Compiler Engineer Varsha Madananth to learn about this transition, including:

  • The compiler’s evolution as part of the Intel® oneAPI Toolkits’ latest release
  • The high-level roadmap of this new program
  • How to transition from Intel® C++ Compiler Classic to the LLVM-based DPC++/C++ Compiler