SYCL Essentials – oneDPL Coding

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Join this Intel Software live virtual workshop: SYCL Essentials – oneDPL Coding

The oneAPI solution delivers a unified programming model to simplify development across diverse architectures. When combined with SYCL, the Intel® oneAPI DPC++ Library (oneDPL) provides high-productivity APIs to developers.

Led by Praveen Kundurthy, Developer Evangelist for AI and oneAPI, the workshop focuses on specific techniques to gain maximum optimization when programming with oneDPL. Based on familiar standards, oneDPL API components include C++ STL, parallel API, and API for SYCL kernels; all help to maximize productivity and performance across a wide range of modern accelerators and processors.

The workshop will teach you how to:

  • Use oneDPL to streamline SYCL programming
  • Take advantage of parallel API—an implementation of the standard libraries algorithms and execution policies for the parallelized and vectorized execution of algorithms for heterogeneous computing.
  • Implement oneDPL algorithms using buffers and Unified Shared Memory
  • Learn the techniques for implementing iterators in the oneapi::dpl namespace
  • Use oneDPL to implement C++ 20 Ranges
  • Build an application with oneDPL on the Intel® Developer Cloud to perform gamma correction