Large-Scale CFD-Based Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Applied to Renewable Energy Systems

Marco Mangano, Ph.D., University of Michigan
MCS Seminar Graphic

Modern energy harvesting systems push the boundaries of conventional design approaches. Numerical optimization algorithms coupled with suitable modeling tools can exploit system trade-offs and explore novel design spaces.
In particular, high-fidelity multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) captures complex multiphysics interactions with unprecedented detail, at the cost of high computational expense and implementation effort.

This presentation showcases numerically tractable, highly scalable high-fidelity MDO studies enabled by state-of-the-art open-source frameworks that leverage efficient implementations of the adjoint method.
First, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and structural mechanics (CSM) solvers are coupled to enable gradient-based optimization of a large wind turbine rotor. Hundreds of structural and geometrical variables are optimized simultaneously to improve aerodynamic efficiency and structural weight.

Second, an OpenFOAM-based optimization framework is used to optimize the shape of a ducted hydrokinetic turbine and maximize its power output. The design strategy was validated through an experimental campaign that measured record-breaking system efficiency.