Abstract: The unstructured mesh capabilities of the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) provide an opportunity to bridge global and coastal ocean processes. Pushing the boundaries of multi-scale resolution is a pathway to better understanding how global climate changes, such as sea level rise, will affect US coastal communities in the future. This talk will demonstrate several advancements which are aimed at linking these disparate scales while leveraging emerging exascale architectures. First, high order methods, such as the discontinuous Galerkin finite element method, are known to exhibit superior accuracy and performance for idealized problems. This talk will show how these advantages can be applied to realistic coastal ocean applications. Second, several developments in the MPAS-Ocean model (the ocean component of E3SM) have made global to coastal modeling possible within the coupled climate system. These advancements will be highlighted by the validation of MPAS-Ocean for hurricane storm surge scenarios, and the development of ocean-wave couplings between MPAS-Ocean and the WaveWatchIII model within E3SM.
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