Estimation and Control of Aerodynamic Flows Using a Resolvent-Based Approach

Junoh Jung, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
MCS Seminar Graphic

Chaotic fluctuations in wake flows can degrade aerodynamic system performance and generate aerodynamic noise. To address these challenges, we employ a resolvent-based approach to estimate and mitigate flow perturbations. Our estimators and controllers are built using two approaches: 1) an operator-based approach that offers low computational cost without requiring a priori model reduction and incorporates colored statistics that represent the nonlinear terms of the Navier-Stokes equations, and 2) a data-driven approach that avoids the need to construct linearized Navier-Stokes operators and naturally incorporates the colored statistics of the nonlinear terms. The Wiener-Hopf method is used to ensure optimal causality in the estimator and controller. Using NEK5000, we demonstrate effective estimation and control of downstream fluctuations in transitional flow over a backward-facing step. We then implement our tools within the compressible flow solver CharLES and demonstrate the effectiveness of estimation and control in both laminar and turbulent flows over a NACA 0012 airfoil.